Walkthrough Kanto Region Complete ( Bagian 3 )

Kanto Walkthrough ( Bagian 3 )

Routes 12, 13, 14 and 15 :
Follow Route 12 South until you find the sleeping Snorlax. Use the Poké Flute to wake it up and try you best to capture it.

Once you either KO or capture it you can now use the stophouse to the left for a faster way to get to Vermillion City. In the upper floor of the Route 11 stophouse there is another Oak's aide who will give you Dig after you capture 30 different Pokémon.

Continue South on Route 12 until you reach a small patch of grass. There is a hidden rare candy here that respawns once every 14 days.

Pick it up and continue the wooden path to Route 13. On Route 13 there is a large maze with a lot of trainers in it and at the end of it, Berry Tower.
You can battle in Berry Tower and win.. you guessed it, berries.

If you don't need berries then continue the path South to Route 14. Once on Route 14 head Southwest to Route 15 then finally follow Route 15 West until you reach Fuschia City.

Fuschia City :
Unlike some other cities, the first thing you should do in Fuschia is defeat the gym.
Janine, the leader of the gym has many other lookalikes in her gym and you have to work your way through them and an invisible maze.
Follow this route to battle each trainer and get to the gym leader.

Janine uses Poison Type Pokémon so ground and psychic type Pokémon will easily take care of her.
She uses a Crobat, 2 Weezings, an Ariados and a Venomoth. I recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 55 for this gym.
After you beat her you will be rewarded with the Soul Badge. You can also buy TM6 - Toxic from the clerk at the front of her gym.

When you leave the gym walk south until you meet Victor on the beach. Battle him and he will tell you where to find HM Surf. You can also teach any Pikachu Surf if and only if you chose Pikachu as your starter.

Head to the North side of Fuschia and enter the Safari Building. Here you can pay $5,000 for 20 minutes of safari time.
When you are teleported to the Safari Entrance follow these directions to get to Safari Area 3:
East to Safari Area 1 -> North-East to Safari Entrance -> West to Safari Area 2 -> South to Safari Area 3
When you get there enter this house and HM Surf will be waiting for you on the wooden table.

From here you can also enter the Safari Exclusive Area if you bought a membership to PRO.

Now that you have HM Surf you can either use up the rest of your safari time looking for rare Pokémon or you can use an escape rope to be teleported to your last used Pokécenter.
Before you leave Fuschia City make sure to visit the Fishing Guru's house where you can purchase the Good Rod for $15,000. You must have the Old Rod first in order to buy the Good Rod.

Journey to Saffron :
From Fuschia City you can either head West to Route 18 and follow the Bike Route to Celadon City (Require bike, mounts can not be used to enter this area) or head East and go back to Lavender Town
When trying to enter Saffron you will be told by the stophouse guards that they will only let you pass if you give them some Lemonade.

To get the Lemonade you will have to return to Celadon City and go to the Celadon Mart. Go to the top floor of the Mart and purchase one Lemonade from the vending machine.

Before you leave the Celadon Mart you can talk to this Thief and complete hist side quest to unlock TM46 -Thief.

Take the Lemonade to one of the stophouse guards and give it to him. He will tell the other guards to let you in in the future.

- Saffron City :
Saffron Dojo :
The first thing you should do is visit the Saffron Dojo.

In there you can fight some trainers for some easy EXP and once you defeat Koichi you can take either Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan.

After you are done here you can progress to Silph Co.

Silph Co :
When you arrive at Silph Co. your first impression might be that you have to spend 20 minutes spamming warp panels until you get it correct. However, this isn't the case, as a matter of fact you only need to use 2 warp panels to get to Giovanni. But I highly recommend taking your time and battling all the Team Rocket Grunts to gain as much EXP as you can. Once you feel that you are ready then go to the 3rd floor and take the first warp panel. Then take the next panel opposite the bed.

Once you use those warp panels you will have to battle Blue to prove that you're ready to fight Giovanni.

After beating Blue you can fight Giovanni. Make sure to be over-leveled or bring some potions as he seems to cause some issues for many players.

After you beat Giovanni he will flee from the building and you can talk to the Silph Co. Director. As a reward he will give you a Master Ball some Rare Candies.
You're now finished with Silph Co. Make your way to the Pokécenter and heal your Pokémon for the 6th gym.

Saffron Gym :
To most the Saffron Gym puzzle can be both confusing and frustrating, it's almost as bad as Vermillion's puzzle. However, similar to the Silph Co. warp pads I've put together an image that shows you the fastest way to Sabrina.
Simply follow these directions : Up -> Down -> Down -> Left.
Sabrina is the Psychic Type gym leader. Bug, ghost and dark type Pokémon are recommended to ensure a victory.
Sabrina uses a Hypno, Mr. Mime, Espeon and an Alakazam. I recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 65 for this gym.
After beating it you will be rewarded with the Marsh Badge and you'll be able to purchase TM29 - Psychic from the man at the front of the gym.

Journey to Cinnabar :
There are two ways that you can travel to Cinnabar Island from. You can surf either South from Pallet Town or Southwest from Fuschia. If you surf from Pallet Town then you'll encounter a few trainers and eventually arrive at the North side of Cinnabar. If you surf from Fuschia, however, you will have to go through the Seafoam Islands. You can also surf Southeast from Fuschia to start the free Arcanine mount quest.

If you chose the Seafoam Route then you'll eventually surf to these islands. Enter through the cave entrance and walk East in the cave. There is no need to use any ladders unless you're looking to level your Pokémon. Just carry on East until you reach the exit.

After you exit the islands, continue to surf West until you reach Cinnabar Island.

- Cinnabar Island
Cinnabar Mansion :
Once you arrive at Cinnabar Island, if you talk to the guard outside the gym he will tell you that you need to bring him a key which is hidden in the Cinnabar Mansion.

Enter the Mansion and go the the second floor. From there you should take the staircase at the North side of the second floor. When you reach the 3rd floor you are given the option to enter one of five doors. Each one will lead you to a different location in the mansion; some lead you outside of the mansion.

When you find the correct door you should end up in B1F. Head to the west side of the room and interact with the bookshelves. You will pass through the wall and be able to take the Mansion Key.

Cinnabar Gym :
When you retrieve the key from Cinnabar Mansion you can talk to the guard outside of the gym and he will leave, allowing you to pass.
Work your way through the gym and it's trainers until you reach the last trainer on the first floor. There will be a small scene between Lt. Surge and Blaine involving Mew. When Mew leaves you can go downstairs and find Blaine.

Blaine is a the Fire Type gym leader. Water, ground and rock type Pokémon will help you defeat him.
He is the first gym leader to use 5 Pokémon. Those being Arcanine, Rapidash, Charizard, Ninetales and Magmar. I recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 75 for this gym.
Defeating Blaine will give you the Volcano badge, you can also buy TM35 - Flamethrower from the man at the front of his gym. You also gain access to the fossil recovery room at the Cinnabar Research Lab.

Cinnabar Research Lab :
Finally, now that you've defeated the 7th gym you are allowed to enter the fossil recovery room at the Cinnabar Research Lab. From here you can revive any fossiles that you pick up on your journey.
In the lab you can also talk to Davis and receive a free Porygon after you have 100 caught data on your Pokédex.

Viridian City Gym :
When you're done at Cinnabar Island you can head North to go back to Pallet Town. From there continue to head North to Viridian City.
If you were taking your time with the story that Rare Candy might've respawned. Anyways, go to the gym and enter it. Inside you will meet Blue and he'll tell you about how strong Giovanni really is. If you feel like you're prepared then continue.

Despite Giovanni having 6 Pokémon with him, he will only use one. His Armoured Mewtwo; a Steel/ Psychic type. Dark, ground, ghost and fire type Pokémon will be extremely useful in this battle. I highly recommend you level your Pokémon to around level 85 before challenging this gym.
By beating Giovanni you are rewarded with the Earth Badge and access to the Kanto Elite 4. You can also buy TM26 - Earthquake at the gym.

Giovanni will now disband Team Rocket and never be seen again.

Victory Road :
To get to Victory Road you will have to head West of Viridian City, through Route 22. Talk to the guards outside of the reception and they will let you pass. Once you're inside, head North and meet Red. He will battle you and probably completely destroy you again.

After the battle is over he will move and you'll be free to go through Victory Road. Go through and beat all the trainers as you really need the EXP for the Elite 4. As you make your way through and come to the exit you will encounter Moltres. (You might not see it due to the mass amounts of players in the area, but it's right in front of the exit.) Interact with it to initiate a battle. Something to not is that you can not catch Moltres. Currently the only legendary Pokémon that you can catch are Mew, Celebi and Jirachi.

After you KO it you can move through the exit and into the Indigo Plateau. Here you will see two building and Youngster Joey. As you're doing the Kanto Elite 4 you will need to go to the East building. As you walk there you will be congratulated by all the Kanto gym leaders as well as your mother.

Now that you've beaten Victory Road it is time for you to train your Pokémon so they are ready for the Elite 4. Use the exit of Victory Road as a hotspot for EXP. Alternatively you can travel back to Seafoam Islands and use the lower floors to level up your Pokémon. Once your Pokémon each reach around level 90 you will be ready for the Elite 4. Stock up on potions and revives and enter via the door at the back of the center.

- The Kanto Elite 4 : 
Lorelie :
Lorelie is the first member of the Kanto Elite 4. She specializes in Ice and Water type Pokémon.
Her party consists of a Dewgong, Slowbro, Lapras, Jinx and Cloyster.
Electric type Pokémon can wipe this team with ease.
After defeating her you will be allow to progress to the next member of the E4. Continue to the room behind her where you will meet your next challenge.

Bruno :
Bruno, the second member of the Elite 4 is a Rock and Fighting type expert.
He uses an Onix, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Machamp and another Onix. Using Psychic type Pokémon will aide you in this fight, however Bruno is probably the easiest member of the Elite 4.
By beating him you will be allowed to progress to the next member of the Elite 4, Agatha.

Agatha :
Agatha is the third member of the Elite 4. She is a Poison and Ghost type trainer.
She uses a Gengar, Crobat, Haunter, Arbok and a Mega Gengar. Similar to Bruno, using Psychic type Pokémon will help you greatly in this fight. Sucker Punch is also an easy way to take out her strong ghost Pokémon.
After you beat her you can pass to Lance, the final member of the Elite 4.

Lance :
Lance is the final member of the Elite 4 and specializes in Dragon Type Pokémon.
He uses his Gyarados, Dragonair, Dragonite, Aerodactyl, Tyranitar and Charizard. Four of which aren't dragon type Pokémon.
Water and Electric type Pokémon can wipe this team off the face of the earth.
Upon beating him he will allow you to pass to the Kanto Champion, where you will fight to become the champion of the region. Heal your Pokémon with the potions and revives that you bought and progress to the next room.

Blue / Gary :
So I've been calling him Blue this entire time. But his name is actually Gary? Anyways~
Gary is the champion of Kanto, he is a bit of a rebel and doesn't use a monotype team.
Instead he uses a Pidgeot, Alakazam, Rhydon, Arcanine, Mega Blastoise and an Exeggutor. You shouldn't have too much trouble beating him.
After he is defeated, he will congratulate you on your victory. Walk behind him and talk to Professor Oak who will bring you back to Pallet Town.

Finishing Kanto and starting Johto :
Now that you're the Kanto Champion you can access Johto. Go back to Oak's lab and talk to him, he will tell you of Johto and how to get there.

Now go back to the the Indigo Plateau Reception where you fought Red. Walk South and talk to the guards in front of the exit. They will allow you to pass. You can now travel through Route 26 to go to Johto. Continue walking South and you will eventually reach Route 27, from there you should walk West until your reach Tohjo Falls.
If you surf North a little you will find an abandoned Crobat.

Exit Tohjo Falls and carry on walking West. Start surfing and you will finally reach Johto.
BEWARE: Once you enter Johto there is no turning back until you beat the 8th gym. All your Kanto Pokémon will be locked in you PC and you wont be able to use them unlit you beat the 8th gym. If you wanted to do anything in Kanto before you go to Johto you should do it now!

If you are ready for Johto then click "Yes" and walk forwards.

This concludes my Kanto Walkthrough.
( "Sekian Walktrhough Kanto Region PRO , Kurang Lebihnya Mohon Maaf.. Semoga Berguna !!")

Credit by : Pokemon online revolution forum :
Walkthrough Kanto Region Complete ( Bagian 3 )
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(saya sengaja copy.. buat back up-an guide bagi pemain2 yang membutuhkan guide PRO)

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